If your Living Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, and HIPPA authorizations are all drafted and up-to-date, then congratulations! You’ve made excellent progress in protecting your wishes, and creating important guidelines for your loved ones and medical professionals. But now what?
Now, it’s time to make sure these important documents are available to help you when you need them. In the event of an emergency or unforeseen incapacity, your doctor is going to need immediate access to these documents to make sure your wishes are honored. Quick access to your medical directives is the best way to avoid costly hospital runarounds and distressing speculations about your wishes, and to ensure that any special medical needs you may have are addressed post haste.
We offer a unique service to ensure your directives remain accessible, yet secure. It’s called “The Registry” -an online, cloud-based, high security document bank service that gives you access to your healthcare directives anytime, anywhere. Your information is kept perfectly safe, yet completely accessible to the very specific people who will need it.
Don’t let your careful planning fail you when you need it most! We want to help you provide your loved ones with guidance and peace of mind. That is why each February we draft LIVING WILLS FREE OF CHARGE. Call or visit us online today.